Bali: 21 Harmony Culture

Bali and the Number 21: Cultural Harmony and Fortune

Bali, a heavenly island in Indonesia, is renowned for its natural beauty, rich culture, and the hospitality of its residents. Behind the cultural wealth of Bali, there is an intriguing connection with the number 21 that plays a significant role in the daily lives of the Balinese people. Let’s delve deeper into the relationship between Bali and the number 21.

1. Coming-of-Age Rite: Balinese Society Entering Adulthood at Age 21

The significance of the number 21 can be found in the coming-of-age rite known as “mepandes” or “mapandes.” This ritual marks an individual’s entry into adulthood, where they are considered ready to take on greater responsibilities in society. Mepandes is typically performed at the age of 21, signifying the transition from adolescence to maturity.

2. Wedding Ceremony: Symbol of Unity and Balance

The number 21 also holds meaning in Bali’s wedding ceremonies. Hindu wedding ceremonies on the island often involve a series of events corresponding to multiples of seven, including the 21st. This number is seen as a symbol of unity and balance, bringing together two individuals into a complete and unified entity.

3. Tri Hita Karana Philosophy: Balance with God, Humans, and Nature

Behind the wealth of traditions and customary ceremonies, Bali is also renowned for the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. This philosophy emphasizes the balance and harmony between three main aspects: the relationship between humans and God, the relationship between humans, and the relationship between humans and nature. In this context, the number 21 can be interpreted as a symbol of harmony among these three aspects.

4. Art and Creativity: The Significance of 21 in Balinese Arts

Art and creativity are also intertwined with the number 21 in Bali. Various traditional arts, such as dance, music, and sculpture, often incorporate patterns or compositions related to the number 21. This indicates that the number is not merely a ritual symbol but also serves as inspiration in expressing the beauty and cultural richness of Bali through art.

5. Luck and Spirituality: The Meaning of 21 in Balinese Beliefs

In Balinese belief traditions, the number 21 is considered to bring luck. This fortune is not only viewed in material terms but also in the context of spirituality. The number is seen as a symbol of harmony and alignment with nature, ultimately bringing good fortune to everyday life.

Therefore, the number 21 is not just an ordinary number in Bali; it holds deep meaning in various aspects of the community’s life. From traditional ceremonies to art, from spiritual beliefs to the philosophy of life, the number 21 is an integral part of shaping the identity and wisdom of this island of the gods.

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